The Indy 16" Trainer Unicycle is a great unicycle for children and shorter adults, and has proved very popular due to its strength and durability.
It features a quick-release seat bolt and non-slip stem, which make it ideal for quickly adjusting the height for different riders.
We've found that this makes it especially popular for circus workshops.
The Indy Trainer Unicycle components are made from strong steel and should cater for most practice sessions.
The seat comes with a colour-matching grab handle for bunny hops.
The smaller 16-inch wheel makes it more manoeuvrable when riding in a confined space.
The inside leg measurement for the rider: maximum - 70 cm (27.6"), minimum - 60 cm (23.6").
It is also possible to hacksaw a few inches off the bottom of the seat pillar to make this unicycle ideal for shorter riders - feel free to get in touch with us for any questions about this.