The Indy 20" Trainer Unicycle is an ideal first unicycle for both children and adults.
It offers super strength and durability at a great price, which makes it perfect for workshops and basic tricks.
It features a quick-release seat bolt and non-slip stem, which make it ideal for quickly adjusting the height for different riders.
The seat comes with a colour-matching grab handle for bunny hops.
The 20-inch wheel is the most popular size for beginners, due to it being a little bit faster than the Deluxe Indy Trainer 16" Unicycle while still remaining manoeuvrable.
The inside leg measurement for the rider: maximum - 77 cm (30.1"), minimum - 67 cm (26.4").
It is also possible to hacksaw a few inches off the bottom of the seat pillar to make this unicycle ideal for shorter riders - feel free to get in touch with us for any questions about this.